Need documented inspection results? Quality Equipment allows for quality reporting.
Equally as important as being able to machine accurately, is the ability to inspect what we have machined.
To enable us to achieve this we employ full-time inspectors to perform ‘first-off’ ‘patrol’ and ‘final’ inspection processes. First article inspection can also be provided upon request.
Located within a temperature controlled environment and utilizing an extensive range of both manual measuring equipment and cnc controlled coordinate measuring machines, our manufacturing process has quality built in from start to finish.

C.M.M specifications
2 x Mitutoyo Crysta 574 Co-ordinate measurement machines with scanning facility powered by Mitutoyo Cosmos & pcdmis software.
1 x DEA Global – P.C Dimis software. Maximum capacity 700mm x 500mm x 500mm.
Linear Height Gauges
1 X Mitutoyo LH-600
1 x Trimos 601 Mini vertical
Manual equipment
We have a comprehensive range of manual measuring equipment on site.